Monday, February 21, 2011

DAY #4

Site 1:
On Valentines day our class went outside to look at algae in the pond and the creek. It was really warm outside the temperature hovering around 70 degrees. As we walked around the pond a huge strong gusts of wind hit tangling my hair, bending the trees down and causing large ripples across the pond. Walkiin on the rocky groud on the far side of the pond we found a shell of a turtle egg and i took picture of some brown algae barely underneath the pond water.I could hear the sound of the buses moving around the bus garage which was a little ways away from the pond where we stood.

As we were leaving site one and heading toward site 2 a tree suddenly crashed down from the force of the wind. Which scared the begeezus out of me but being a decaded marine ecology class we contiinued into the woods despite the risk of falling trees. i continued to hear the creak of the trees under the force of such strong wind so we made sure to keep a sharp look out for falling trees. At last we arrvied at the creek and found yucky brown algae in the creek. I continued to hear the buses and the distance.

At our last site which was farther down the creek i found more of that brown scum like algae in the creek. The wind continued to blow at frightening force bending some of the thinner trees nearly in half. While walking next to the creek green briars scratched painfully at my legs and arms. The  ground around the creek was soft and muddy easy to slip on.

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