Monday, February 14, 2011

DAY # 2

Site 1:
See: I saw light sparkling across the pond our class had walked down to. I saw geese on the far side of the pond which you might be able to make out in these pictures as small dark dots. I saw wilted brown plants around the edge of the pond shown in picture number one.
Hear: I heard the crunch of pine cones underfoot as we walked around the pond.
Feel: I felt the sting of sharp thorns across my arms. I also felt the soft warm sunlight breaking through the clouds.

site 2:           
See: At the second site i saw birds flying overhead and moss growing on the ground the only green in a sleeping forest.
Hear: I heard the crunching leaves and birds chirping in the tall trees.
Feel: I felt sticks and rocks under my feet causing me to trip often, and rare warmth the trees provided blocking out the harsh wind.

See: On our outing at the third site i saw wood pecker holes in a dead fallen tree and a mole hole.
Hear: I heard creaking of the trees from the force of the wind.
Feel: I felt cold freezing wind blowing past and slippery leaves sliding under my foot.

See: I saw 3 birds flying and an odd looking green plant growning on the ground.
Hear: i heard the birds singing yet again and the wind whistling as we walked back toward the school.
Feel: I felt uneven ground with yucky slippery wet red mud.

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