Our class looked at plankton under the microscope on Feb. 7th and took these pictures. I saw this picture to the left and determined it's a zooplankton and this plankton is micro size.it is a holoplankton.
A worm is shown in the picture above. It is an macro zooplankton and is meroplankton.
In the picture directly to the left is another picture of a micro, zooplankton. Which is holoplankton because it stays a plankton for it's whole life. The picture above is a sample from Star Beach, Japan. These are skeleton of sea stars which are meroplankton because they only live part of their lives as plankton. These are macro, zooplankton. (these pictures were taken by: Mrs.Richardson)
The last picture of the star sand are zooplanktonic forams which are macroscopic holoplankton.