Thursday, March 10, 2011

DAY #6: Signs of Spring

Last week my class went outside to find signs of spring but unfortunately I was out sick with bronchitis. So this week I went outside at my house to find signs of spring in my backyard.

 Site 1:
For my first site I went out the door, beyond the porch into the yard to the first couple of trees out back. I noticed the trees had little buds on the branches, the first sign of spring! The wind was blowing gently and it was pretty chilly and overcast outside; I'd estimate around 50 degrees burrrrr! The ground was sticky and wet with red mud. Little birds were chriping and tittering noisily in the trees above my head. I saw a large dark colored bird flying overhead but could not figure out what kind of bird it was. As my boots slid on the slippery wet grass I noticed that patches of my yard had already turned a lush green.

Site 2:
I headed down towards the barn and around the back of it for my second site.The birds disturbed by me, flew out of the stable where they must have a nest hidden. Around back I saw one of our cows and her older calf grazing on the little bit of grass now on the ground. While walking around the fence I found a little green patch of clover on the ground, but unfortunately I couldn't find a four leaf clover anywhere. The sky was heavy and dark with gray clouds and I could feel a few droplets that hit my arm.

Site 3:
Around this time my Granny had spotted me and headed my way, she was walking her dogs Molly and Lucy. After hearing about my search and she lead to her house next door to see some of her flowers. We found a single pale pink flower bud open on a flower bush in her backyard.
We also found small yellow flower buds on a bush in her front yard and the daffodils out front had small green buds but no flowers have appeared yet.

Site 4:After saying goodbye to Granny I headed back to my house and to the front yard. The drizzle that had started stopped suddenly but the sky remained cloudy and it was getting colder. I could hear our dogs barking and cars driving down the road. In the front yard I found some weeds with little purple flowers on them. Near the railroad ties framing the gravel driveway I found some tiny sky blue flowers with little leaves in the grass. I also found some wild onion grass in the front yard as well.

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